3 Steps to Prepare Your Garage for Fall

Cambridge CM, Chocolate Walnut door and overlays

As summer days dwindle, preparing for fall is on many homeowners’minds. Whether it’s raking leaves, harvesting gardens, or cleaning gutters, it’s important to ensure the entire property is ready for winter’s icy grip.

Including your garage in a clean up checklist to prepare for fall is a smart idea. Your garage takes up a large portion of your home, so it must be secure, safe, and easily accessible, especially during colder days.

Here are 3 steps to prepare your garage for fall.

Organize Your Space

After a busy summer of bike rides, road trips, and more, your garage was likely a busy spot during these months. The seasonal transition is the perfect time to go through the belongings stored in your garage, organize them from top to bottom, and declutter things you no longer need. You can potentially sell some items privately, host a garage sale, or donate them to a local community organization or charity.

Clean Your Garage Thoroughly

After the garage has been organized carefully, cleaning is a logical next step. Sweeping, mopping, dusting, and wiping things down after summer’s dust and debris are key first steps. Summer typically also comes with mosquitoes and ants. If you haven’t checked the garage over in a while, you may want to spray for any remaining insects. Rodents also tend to look for warm spots in colder months. If you’ve had problems in the past, it might be best to consult an exterminator for preventative treatment.

Get Your Garage Door Inspected

Whether you purchased your current garage door from our team at Les spécialistes des portes Exitech inc., the door specialist or not, we have qualified professionals who can inspect it carefully. This includes checking the door’s overall appearance, airtightness, and how well the garage door mechanisms are working. They may recommend regular maintenance, or if the door or its equipment is in disrepair, they will suggest options for its servicing or complete replacement. We have many models of doors and openers available to choose from, and we can work with you to find a solution that fits your budget.

If you need support when it comes to your garage door, Les spécialistes des portes Exitech inc. is prepared to answer any questions you have. Feel free to reach out to us anytime at 800-470-0135, or get a quote.

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