Attached garage: If you do not take precautions, gases and toxic fumes from cars, machines, and chemicals can pollute the air in your home. A Health Canada study found that homes with attached garages had benzene levels three times higher than homes with no garage. Benzene is a volatile compound found in crude oil, and thus in vehicle exhaust and gasoline. High benzene levels are a health risk and can lead to cancer. Even a car with its engine shut off will continue to emit benzene into the air. Thus, homeowners with attached garages should beware of the potential risks to their health. Read on for precautions you can take to minimize airborne pollutants from travelling into your home.
The Door Leading from Your Attached Garage to Your Home Should Be Properly Sealed
The door leading from your attached garage to your home should have a proper gas seal and weather stripping. Furthermore, the door should be made of wood or steel and have a self-closing mechanism. This door should also be a fire-retardant door.
Never Run Vehicles Or Other Machinery in Your Attached Garage
Avoid running the car, chainsaw or other machinery in the garage even if the garage door is open. If you do start your car indoors, make sure the garage door is open. Then quickly move the car outside and shut the door. This will prevent the wind from pushing additional fumes into the garage. When you return, turn the car off as soon as you pull into the garage. Leave the garage door open for a few extra minutes to further ventilate the space.
Finish Drywalls And Ceilings
Garages often have unfinished walls or ceilings. Most of all, to avoid pollutants from entering your home from your attached garage, finish any drywall and make sure all joints are sealed. Additionally, priming and painting walls and ceilings will further seal any leaks.
Store all Chemical Products Properly
Make sure you store paints, thinners, sealants and all other potentially toxic chemicals properly. Do not let any of these products sit uncovered. If you have a lot of these products, consider storing them in an outside shed. On top of this, cleaning out your products regularly is a smart move. Bring expired products or chemicals you no longer use to a hazardous waste disposal site. Properly disposing of these items is crucial so check out your city’s website to find a disposal site near you.
Install A Vent in Your Attached Garage
If you like to tinker in your garage, consider installing an exhaust vent to circulate air outdoors. Consequently, a good quality bathroom or kitchen fan should do the trick. If you often work in your attached garage, keep the door open, weather permitting.
These small steps can help reduce benzene levels in your home if you have an attached garage. To properly seal off your attached garage from your home, consult an Les spécialistes des portes Exitech inc. expert. They will be happy to help find the best solution for you.
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