How to successfully do a garage transformation

Interior view of a garage

We all have that one neighbour whose garage is just annoyingly organized and clean. Everything is perfectly stored in its designated place. The tools are always put away as opposed to just tossed into an overflowing toolbox. All sporting equipment is organized on racks. Bikes and toys are not left lying around so you trip over them every time you go to your car. But as much as we may loathe that person and their above-par organizational skills, we secretly lust after a garage that perfect. Luckily, with a few small tricks, your garage transformation is a lot easier than you may think. Read on to discover our five tips on how to transform your garage into a more inviting and functional space.

Garage transformation tip #1: plan and organize!

Before getting started on your garage makeover, we suggest taking time to plan and get organized. This means thinking about the stuff you want to keep and how and where you will store it. Try to visualize the ideal layout based on your garage configuration. Putting pen to paper is a great way to map everything out. For example, plan to create zones to store various things. Sporting equipment in one area, tools in another. Will you be parking your car in the garage? If yes, plan to have about 75 cm (30 inches) of space around your vehicle. Then think about how to store your stuff. Shelves, hooks, bins, and hangers are just a few tools at your disposal. Surf the net for inspiration: there are so many creative, budget-friendly ways to store your gear, tools and supplies.

Garage transformation tip #2: sort and declutter

Now that you have an idea of how you want to organize your space, you need to sort through your stuff. What will you keep and what will you get rid of? Try to free up as much floor space as possible and plan to use the walls and ceiling for storage. Additionally, a garage sale can help you make some extra cash to pay for your garage transformation.

Garage transformation tip #3: use space wisely

Many garages have high ceilings, which are perfect for freeing up floor space. As such, the area above the garage door can be quite valuable. Install shelves and store lesser-used items such as holiday decorations here. Or install a bike rack on the ceiling to avoid losing precious floor space. Furthermore, using walls will help you optimize space. Pegboards are great for hanging tools and look cool. Home renovation stores offer a multitude of wall storage solutions. On a tighter budget? Be creative! For example, old kitchen cabinets or shelves can easily be painted and installed in the garage. A wooden palette can be fastened to the wall: perfect for storing rakes, and other odds and ends.

Garage transformation tip #4: bins are your friend!

Having a system of bins is a great way to keep your space clean and organized. Create a kid zone with labeled bins. This will encourage your little ones to return toys to their proper bin after playtime is over. Similarly, you can store seasonal gear in bins and free up closet space.

Garage transformation tip #5: a few cosmetic touches can go a long way

Sometimes all you need is a good cleaning and a fresh coat of paint for a surprisingly easy garage transformation. Fix any minor problems and apply a bright color to create a welcoming space.

Transforming your garage into an inviting space is easier than you may think. With a bit of organization and planning, you can turn a cluttered mess into a functional, welcoming space where you will enjoy spending time. This is also the ideal time to tend to your garage door. Conduct preventive inspection and maintenance to ensure it is working properly. If you need a new garage door, contact Les spécialistes des portes Exitech inc. today for a free quote.

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